What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Our goal with our CSA shares is to have a direct relationship with the consumer, that way you will enjoy the freshest and tastiest fruits, vegetables and meat.

NOTE: We are only offering our Meat Shares

Meat Share: Our meat share runs for 6 months January-June and or July-December. We offer a variety of our own homegrown meat to be picked up once a month. Your box of meat will be pre-selected and ready to be put into your box/bag or cooler. 20 pounds per month, packaged and frozen ready for your freezer. (We also offer a 10 pound share, see signup sheet for details)

Sampling of what you may expect to receive in a meat share monthly pickup:

  • 10 pounds Beef
  • 6 pounds Pork
  • 1, 4-5 pound whole frozen chicken

Cost is $720.00 for a 20 lb share and $410 for a 10 pound share.

*Prices as of March 2020

Frequently asked questions:

What happens if I am on vacation or can’t make it on time to pick up my share?
We do not give credit for vacation weeks or if you miss a pickup. We highly recommend having a friend or neighbor pickup your share if you are unable to do so.

 Download a Meat CSA Sign-up Form